PowHERhouse Business Accountability Group

What this group is for:

⚡️ Support:

From the PowHERhouse team & other like-minded individuals looking to grow their business and live in alignment with their values.

⚡️ Networking:

Monthly opportunity to network with other business owners. You will be able to make valuable connections, which can lead to new opportunities, collaborations, and partnerships.

⚡️ Community:

Running a business can be lonely and challenging. We want to create an environment where entrepreneurs can come together in a safe place to share their experiences AND support each other.

What the group is NOT for:

👎 Coaching! If you're looking for this, talk to us about joining one of our coaching programs!

What's Included:

Monthly Networking Call

Hosted by Sarah Blankenship, the Mastermind PowHER Networking Call is for all current and continuing Mastermind participants and Accountability Group members.
Held every third Thursday of the month @ 9:00AM-10:15AM, EST, via Zoom.
On each call, the agenda will include: 
⚡ A short education session, hosted by Sarah or a group member 
⚡ Everyone will have a few seconds to share their name, their business, and ask how the group can help them
⚡ Time to chat and get to know each other more!

Monthly Power Session Form

Stay focused on your goals by completing the monthly Power Session Form! 
👉 Reflect on the previous month + where you're going
👉 Opportunity to ask Nicholle a question for feedback & support
👉 Clarify how we can help hold you accountable this month

WhatsApp Group

Stay connected to the PowHERhouse Team + weekly accountability check-ins!

We are so glad you'll be joining us! 

💛 Please note: this is a SUBSCRIPTION! You will be charged every month until you cancel. 💛